Monday, March 18, 2013

An Introduction to My Blog

What's up people of the internet? My name is Josh, or XboxGamerLife on Blogger, and this is my first blog ever.

I plan to post lots of reviews on various products for the Xbox, supply information and updates, and overall just talk about the Xbox Gamer Life. I've been gaming on the Xbox for many, many years. Which is surprising, being a young teen. It's the only console I own! Who cares about PS3 or Wii? I'm here to represent the XBOX Gamer Life.

Don't know how this site works much, but hopefully I'll figure it out within a few days. I will only give my honest opinions in reviews, rather than be biased based to what I currently own.
A little bit about myself, I play alot of games, mainly shooters though, but I also play alot of sports, horror, and fantasy.

I will post on this blog whenever I have the time, and I'll make the time for myself when there's a big story I feel I should post about.

Sorry for the short intro, but I'm writing this at school and it's about to end...

Happy Gaming,

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